Breeding tips

I know the first thing you are going to want to do as a new breeder is breed your horse. DON'T! Here's why:
- The most common mistake new breeders make is breeding their mare and then losing the foal because they don't have enough money.
- The low GP foal is unlikely to sell in todays Howrse market.

Yes, I did breed my mare when she was 2yrs 6 months, but no one told me better. I also made ABSOLUTELY sure that I had enough money to foal my mare. Luckily for me, I joined when Howrse was still getting started, so my low GP foal was able to sell.

If you wait until you are able to see GP and BLUP -Riding Level 3- then you will be able to sell your foal. Make good breeding habits now, and you will be successful.

Try to always breed horses with high BLUP. This will ensure that the foal will be better than the parents.

If you dont care about BLUP etc, then make ABSOLUTELY sure that you have enough money in your reserve to foal your mare. It's your fault if you lose the foal because you didn't have enough money to call the vet.

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EC Tips

I suggest that you do not accept boarders until you have at least 200,000e in your EC's reserve.
- Grow Crops
This is your best bet to make fast money. Turnips are the best crop to grow for quick money.
- Produce Mash
Mash is a decent way to make some money, and it will help you get boarders.

Once you have 200,000e +, You can start buying boxes. NEVER go below 50,000e, and always continue to grow crops. If you can get ahold of passes it's a fairly cheap way to get a few high end boxes, and then you can also get a greenhouse and a bunch of large fertile meadows.

Make sure you always have carrots, fertile pasture, and vets in your EC. I employ 3 Temporary vets, and 1 temporary blacksmith. It's more expensive, but you won't have to worry about losing your employees. RIs and grooms are always easy to find, so don't waste your money hiring temp employees for those two.

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